

Unfortunately some things we consume may actually harm us. We think we are eating, drinking, using cleaning and body products that are good for us and sometimes they can contribute to disease. Let’s dive in How do we consume ANTI-Nutrition? There are several...
What TOXINS has your career exposed you to?

What TOXINS has your career exposed you to?

In this Blog post, I will help you understand what toxins your career may have exposed you to. I’ll get granular with 10 career types, discuss the toxins each is exposed to, and state potential effects. Stick to the end, and I’ll give you some solutions. Keep in mind...
5 Ways your Deodorant is toxic

5 Ways your Deodorant is toxic

IMPORTANT: Is your deodorant toxic? Full video below But first, you should know that being exposed to toxins in our body products isn’t like stubbing your toe, you don’t feel the effects immediately. When we stub our toe, we feel the entirety of the effect...
How Do Toxins Affect me?

How Do Toxins Affect me?

How do toxins affect me? We are exposed to ever-increasing amounts of toxins on a daily basis. So were our parents and their parents. It is important to note that we don’t know whether the cumulative effects will appear immediately or in the future. Symptoms can...
Tips to get over a Cold Flu fast!

Tips to get over a Cold Flu fast!

Tips to get over a Cold Flu fast! In this brief yet information-packed video, I share my top 10 tips to Get Over a Cold Fast! ► 4 points ‘drain your sinuses’ ► Simple movements to ‘move the lymph’ in the neck. ► How to support the lungs using...