

Green Cleaning

To me, there is something special and reminiscent of laundry fresh out of the dryer. I remember being a small child and my mom would bring the fresh laundry to her bedroom, flip the laundry basket over onto the bed and let me snuggle up into the warm softness of the clean clothes. Of course, as a child, you are unaware of toxins and chemicals and the potential hazard they can have on you and your body. But as an adult, I know better and I make greener cleaning choices in my home…for my brain, for my lungs, for my family.

While doing research for my Serious Cleanse Protocol, I found some startling studies and in the name of well being, I feel strongly compelled to share them with you. Did you know that those who clean at home or for work have a greater decrease in lung function? And that your favorite laundry detergent and fabric softener are full of toxic chemicals?  Most of our cleaning products, laundry soaps, and fabric softeners are filled with bleach or other chemicals that we can’t pronounce. And just like foods, if you can’t pronounce it, why are you ingesting it? Your skin is a porous surface, so by using these chemically derived products we are absorbing those toxins into our skin potentially causing serious short and long-term health issue.

Now, I am certainly not telling you to stop cleaning or washing your clothes. EWW! But there are several ways to ‘green clean’. And these green cleaners are made with items that are probably already in your kitchen.

In my business, Hanalei Day Spa and in our home,
we use products which have zero negative impact on
the environment and individual’s health.

Here are some healthy options for you:

  • A solution of water and vinegar for cleaning windows and the floor.
  • A simple microfiber cloth and water will often work on porous surfaces for dust control
  • Try real brightening: A little baking soda added to the wash cycle will naturally brighten colors, without the clingy chemicals to irritate your skin.
  • Skip the fabric softener: A half-cup of vinegar added in the rinse cycle will produce the same results without the toxic chemicals.
  • Bon Ami, a natural, nontoxic slightly abrasive cleaner, so ‘old school’ my great grandmother used it!
  • Home-Biotic, a probiotic for home/office, which is an enzyme formula that eats mold and toxins
  • Organic body products such as; organic coconut oil for massage, natural lotions, and organic essential oils, facial formula, body mud, and body mask and teas with all natural and organic ingredients.
  • I even encourage women to go a step further and check the labels on their makeup and menstrual products as well.I would love to hear if you have any other tried and true green cleaning tips!

