
How do toxins affect me?

We are exposed to ever-increasing amounts of toxins on a daily basis. So were our parents and their parents. It is important to note that we don’t know whether the cumulative effects will appear immediately or in the future. Symptoms can (and often do) manifest in different ways, depending on the individual’s immune system, environment, health history and a variety of other factors. 

In the beginning, there may be a single health issue or a combination of several, including from the following list: headaches, joint pains or arthritis, insomnia, depression, constipation, diarrhea, other digestive issues, allergies, skin issues, and a general sense of malaise. It is not uncommon for symptoms to be vague, difficult to identify and even mysterious. Sometimes symptoms linger for years or even decades before the individual comes to realize that their body is basically under toxic assault. Ultimately, toxins can affect us in many different ways. It’s not like stubbing your toe, where you feel pain immediately and know exactly where the pain is coming from and what is happening to your body.

Some toxins block the body’s hormones and reduce the body’s ability to eliminate the very toxins that caused them! Some toxins cause severe inflammation events and organ damage while other toxins trick the body by displacing essential minerals in the bones. And other toxins actually kill the valuable friendly bacteria on the skin and in the gut.  

When toxins build up faster than they can be eliminated, bioaccumulation occurs. Toxins then begin to stagnate and get stuck circulating in the body. This causes irritation, inflammation, damage and a host of serious diseases, which can include cancer. Then, the body is exposed and re-exposed to other toxins, which can cause further damage. The kidneys, liver, and intestines are the three primary organs that the body utilizes to dispose of, or release toxins. 

When these pathways aren’t functioning correctly, toxins exit through the skin and our lungs, which can cause acne, skin rashes, chronic fatigue to name just a few signs that our body is built up with toxins.

Toxins can broadly be described as anything that interferes with and negatively impacts the normal functioning of the body. If you are taking the Serious Cleanse 30-Day Challenge, you have already learned that toxins can be found in an endless number of places, including in the water we drink, the food we eat, and the air we breathe. They may be applied to your skin through the body products you use and they may be released into your personal space via chemical-laden “air fresheners.” Poisonous toxins exist in commercial laundry detergents and dryer sheets. Even Tampax contains toxins. Toxins are everywhere! 

It’s nearly impossible to eliminate all the toxicity from our lives. However, it is possible to reduce our exposure to toxins and cleanse them out of the body. We can also prevent many toxins from entering the body in the first place. 

This is the whole purpose of the Serious Cleanse Courses
and Serious Cleanse Protocol.

Here, knowledge is everything, because when you know the potential ways you can be exposed, you can take measures to prevent your exposure.
In later lessons, I will teach you how to eliminate toxins.

Toxic Dentistry, how quick thinking saved my brain!

On a visit to my hometown in 2015, I drove by my old orthodontist’s office and decided to say hello. My former orthodontist wasn’t there anymore, but the new one was generous and offered to fit me for a retainer. It was nostalgic to see the old office, a happy place where I went to weekly for three years from age 13 to almost 16. 

Retainers are made by first creating a mold in the office and then sending it out to a lab for the final design. In order to make an impression, various dental materials and chemicals are mixed together. These chemicals cannot be stored together. The friendly assistant smeared the mix on the roof of my mouth and had me bite down. l did not like the taste. It hardened quickly, and they were finished making the impression. I went on my merry way.   

Before I even grabbed the doorknob to leave, I started feeling an intense, throbbing headache. I’m not the headache type. I quickly realized that the chemicals had affected me.  (Just for a quick anatomy of the head refresher, what sits above the roof of the mouth?) Remember that dental technician smeared the batch of goo on the roof of my mouth? Right next to my brain! It had affected me almost instantly! I acted immediately and went my emergency kit (I keep it with me at all times.) See what I keep in my emergency kit here. One of the potent allies I always have in there is charcoal. I quickly broke open 3 capsules in a cup, added a little water, held it in my mouth for 5 minutes and swished a little. Then I spit it out and rinsed. After that, I swallowed 3 capsules down with some water. After that, I swished with more charcoal for 5 more minutes and drove home. The headache from the toxins completely subsided in 10 minutes.

That’s how I used my quick thinking, quick superhero-like reflexes, and healing wisdom to absorb the poison and prevent it from affecting me.

Some substances are more toxic than others. The toxicity of a material is often described by its effects, its potency, and its length of exposure. For instance, if you are sprayed with pesticides during a flight on an airplane (oh yeah, that’s a thing and it is called disinsection which you will learn more about in an upcoming lesson called “Travel Hacking.”) it is different than if you live on or near a golf course (where they routinely spray pesticides) and your skin, lungs and drinking water are exposed to toxins on a daily or weekly basis. 

Similarly, if you only occasionally dry clean your clothes (most commercial dry cleaners use a dangerous toxic chemical called perchloroethylene), but usually use a toxic-free, “free and clear” laundry detergent at home, you will experience much less toxic exposure. Perchloroethylene can disrupt the endocrine system and cause other adverse effects. By the way, ‘green’ dry cleaners do exist, but it is up to you to make an effort to find one.

The 8 ways toxins cause harm in our bodies:


  1. Toxins drastically reduce the body’s ability to detoxify The more combinations of toxins there are in the body, the worse the effect. The body is constantly eliminating toxins every day. But with the ever increasing amount of toxins that modern life provides our systems get burdened. Our organs of detoxification get bogged down. When toxins clog the system, they tend to change the body on many levels. They impair clear thinking and the natural flow of healthy energy. This causes many health issues. The body works overtime to survive. The more toxic the body is, the more significant the damage to the detoxification pathways (organs) and the more the individual needs to cleanse the specific organs of detoxification. Remember our definition of toxin: a thick, sticky morbid substance that clogs the channels of the body. We will discuss how to clear the body of these toxins soon. And you have already been cleansing with the detox baths, the Serious Cleanse Protocol, Abhyanga, and Nadi Shodana to name a few.


  2. Organ damage – Toxins can cause damage to every single organ and bodily system. The main organs of detoxification are the skin, liver, kidneys, lungs and digestive system. These organs are the first ones clogged by toxins and the reason they must be addressed first. If not, any cleansing methods and efforts will be rendered ineffective.

    I’ve created the Serious Cleanse Protocol with this in mind. The entire Protocol addresses these organs of detoxification first. Tulsi Cleanse Tea is excellent to help clean toxins from the kidneys and liver. In the Skin and Lymphatic Cleansing, I teach simple, easy-to-do movements designed to help the lymphatic system pump more effectively. The Serious Cleanse Body Mask is another “tool” we use to help draw out toxins. In addition, throughout the course, you will learn how to prevent more toxins from developing and accumulating. You will learn how to eliminate the toxins that already exist. Most importantly, you will learn how to protect your precious health now and in the future.

    To get the full benefit from this program, you want to do the counterpart cleanse. Click here to rush your Serious Cleanse Protocol.


Three examples of how toxins cause organ damage. 


Aluminum is a potent and destructive toxin. It is found in aluminum foil, deodorants, vaccines, baking powder, ‘silver’ (amalgam) fillings, tap water, and elsewhere. It can cause brain damage (Alzheimer’s, dementia, senility, psychosis), breast cancer, colitis, kidney dysfunction, osteoporosis, paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, and other disorders.

Lead is deadly and debilitating. It is found in automobile exhaust, cigarette smoke, hair dyes, and elsewhere. It can cause brain damage, lower IQ, cancer, hearing loss, nervous system damage, thyroid diseases, liver dysfunction, multiple sclerosis, and many other health problems. Lead poisoning is similar to mercury poisoning. 

Arsenic is found in conventionally raised chickens, shellfish, algaecides, tap water, groundwater and elsewhere. Arsenic is known to damage the body’s ability to metabolize glucose and also causes insulin resistance and diabetes.


3. DNA damage/Quickening aging – “Chemicals act on biological molecules and affect their functions. DNA is one of the most important targets, damaging of which could lead to diverse diseases, including cancer.“ [1] Some common chemicals that cause DNA damage are pesticides, estrogen residue from birth control pills, and conventionally raised meat injected with hormones. Phthalates are toxins that are found in many, many products – so many, in fact, it would be hard to count. Examples include cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, toiletries (nail polish, hair sprays, aftershave lotions, soaps, shampoos, lotions, etc.) detergents, food packaging materials, carpeting, wall coverings, vinyl flooring, plastics of all kinds, dashboards, car interiors, lubricating oils, fragrances, and the list goes on and on. And, here’s a bit of a bummer – that new car smell you love so much? That’s also made of phthalates… yup, it’s toxic. These all cause DNA damage, degeneration, and increase deterioration – the rate at which the body ages.

4. Change DNA – Various toxins have the ability to cause changes in certain genes. The toxins have an enormous effect on some genes, including suppressing certain genes, turning them off, and even mutating genes.

In his study, biology professor Michael Skinner determined that ovarian diseases occurred when pregnant rats were exposed to certain types of chemicals. Even more telling, is the fact that these diseases – mutations in fact – were observed in not one, but two succeeding female generations.

Atrazine, a commonly used pesticide, can contaminate drinking water and turn male frogs into female frogs! Some scientists say that pesticides are feminizing the (human) population. Another example of the way that toxins affect DNA can be seen in Agent Orange Dioxin. It has caused an increase in birth defects in the descendants of the Vietnam War. 

5. Interfere or block hormones/endocrine disruptors – Certain toxins such as BPA can block hormone production. Others can inhibit, imitate, induce, disrupt and block hormones and hormone functions. BPA is found in canned foods, plastics, plastic baggies used for food storage, and dental sealants.

In a strange yet common occurrence, the toxic heavy metal BPA mimics estrogen. Often called pseudo estrogen, BPA leads to obesity, early puberty, miscarriages, and breast cancer, among other health problems. This toxic reaction is caused by heat. For example, if a plastic water bottle is left in a hot car, the reaction can occur. Another example occurs when a plastic Tupperware container is heated in a microwave oven.

Mercury in dental fillings bind to the hormones that regulate ovulation. They can damage pancreatic cells that produce the hormone insulin. Endocrine disruptors are found in synthetic fragrances and are linked to birth defects, allergies, nervous system disorders and more. The toxic effects are compounded by the fact that these chemicals are often found in so many places in the home! These everyday household products include laundry detergent, face and body products, lotion, shampoos, perfumes, and cologne.

6. Damage cell membranes – as a result, cell membranes may not respond well to signals from other parts of the body. One of the most carcinogenic toxins is Arsenic. Arsenic is often found in water and food and even low levels or short term exposure is associated with cancer of various body parts. These include lung and bladder cancer as well as skin cancer.

7. Displace minerals – As mentioned, above healthy minerals can be displaced by toxins such as mercury, lead, and arsenic. Arsenic replaces zinc.  Zinc is crucial to immunity. Magnesium is commonly replaced by the ATP molecule. When the body has sufficient minerals, mineral displacement is less likely to occur. This is why one of my very first suggestions is to remineralize your body.

8. Poison enzymes and bacteria – Toxins damage precious enzymes and the body’s healthy bacteria. This, in turn, affects many bodily functions, including; immunity, digestion, assimilation, elimination, and blood hemoglobin. This increases free radical damage and leads to accelerated and premature aging.


Is it time for a cleanse?

Then, we pass that weakened DNA down to our children, and they will acquire their own toxic burden due to exposure to EMFs, chemicals in the air they breathe, the food they eat and their skin. Then, they pass that PLUS our diminished DNA to their children, and the cycle goes on. This has been clearly demonstrated in the research the Children of Agent Orange.

This is why I am so happy that you are reading this and or doing my Serious Cleanse Course!


And finally, some chemicals could have indirect effects on the development of the fetus. For example, smoking or being exposed to second-hand smoke during pregnancy can reduce the amount of oxygen to the fetus. The lack of oxygen can affect the babies growth. Not all chemical exposures are from factory production, but it is best to minimize exposure to all toxic substances during pregnancy.

The takeaway

Toxins affect us on many levels, and will affect us for many generations to come. We HAVE to guard our senses carefully! We can do this by; cleansing these toxins out quarterly, choose our body and cleaning products wisely and protect ourselves and our families by preventing being exposed in the first place.

SeriousCleanse.com for more information

Special thanks to the city of New York, What You Know Can Help You