

Breast Cleanse

Having healthy breasts is very important. In our day and age we are exposed to many different types of pollutants, toxins and heavy metals in the air we breathe, to the water we drink, the body and cleaning products that we use, toxins are even grown into and sprayed on our food! We need to learn what these toxins are, cleanse them from our bodies and prevent these toxins from getting into our bodies in the first place. That is what we do in Serious Cleanse.

Did you know?

  • Parabens (from body products) have been found in 99% percent of the breast cancer tissues tested.
  • Taking synthetic hormones (HRT or BC Pills) increases the chances of breast cancer.
  • And that certain ingredients in conventional sunscreens can increase risks of developing breast cancer.
  • Papers show that drinking bottled water increases incidents of breast cancer.

Top 6 Causes of Breast Cancer

  1. Synthetic hormones HRT or BC Pills including estrogen-mimicking hormones from plastic Tge excessive estrogen causes neo-angiogenesis.
  2. The accumulated effects of x-rays from mammograms or dental.
  3. Wearing a synthetic or underwire bra that suppresses lymphatic flow.
  4. Adrenal stress including lack of sleep where your body repairs itself.
  5. Chemicals like hair dye, synthetic nails, and breathing in those fumes.
  6. Heavy metals and other toxic chemicals in cosmetics, household cleaning products, etc. These all overload the liver so can’t support immune function.

The good news…
We Can Cleanse These Exact Toxins, you Just Need To Know How…

Introducing Healthy Breast Oil

● Supports lymphatic circulation
● Reduces mastitis & mammary duct infections
● Improves overall breast health
● Reduce fibrocystic breasts

Healthy Breast Oil is an important part of the 5-Day Breast Cleanse. The ingredients in Healthy Breast Oil have been carefully chosen for their long standing therapeutic value, healing ability and affinity towards the breast tissue. Healthy Breast Oil contains a proprietary blend of essential oils in a base of caster, jojoba and organic coconut oils. Right now you can get my special formula, which comes with instructions on how to use it. Click HERE TO ORDER

Healthy Breast Oil Comes With:

✓ Healthy Breast oil
✓ PDF instructions guide
✓ More suggestions/recommendations for healthy breasts

Please know that the information here is not intended to treat, or diagnose and has not been reviewed by the FDA.


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