Serious Cleanse Protocol,
A 5-Day Cleanse Kit
Developed by Darci Frankel
Get Serious About Your Health!
“Read this if you want to cleanse
your 4 organs of detoxification.”
Watch this short video to find out
why you should do this cleanse!
The Serious Cleanse Protocol is a unique cleansing kit.
Each aspect works to cleanse your four organs of detoxification the skin, lymph, liver, and the kidneys.
The Cleanse Tea helps support the first detoxification organs, the liver, and kidneys.
Then, I teach easy, specific movements to cleanse the skin & circulate the lymph.
And then, the Serious Cleanse Body mask has binders which pull out even more toxins from the whole body!
The four organs of detoxification are the liver, kidneys, skin, and the lymphatic system:
1. Cleansing the Liver
For any cleanse to be complete, it needs to address the liver. The liver is one of the most important detoxification organs in the body.
It filters the blood, regulates hormones, cholesterol, sugar, protein, and fats. The Tulsi Cleanse Tea helps to eliminate toxins in the liver.
2. Cleansing the Kidneys
The Cleanse tea supports the gentle cleansing of the kidneys to help to regulate blood sugar, they filter and eliminate toxins from the urine. Kidneys are an important part of our detoxification system.
3. Cleansing the Skin
Our skin is our first line of defense and protection. It digests EVERYTHING we put on it, all lotions, cosmetics and water. The skin has it’s own microbiome, like the gut. Constant use of antibacterial soaps and toxins like fluoride and chlorine weaken the good bacteria on the skin.
The Serious Cleanse Protocol helps to detox the skin and strengthens the skin biome.
4. Cleansing the Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system works constantly to ward off pathogens, it handles every pathogen, all cancer cells, and bacteria and in the body! To be in good health, we need to have a healthy flowing lymphatic system.
The general population has stagnant Lymphatic Systems which are not efficient. I teach you simple, easy movements to get your Lymphatic System moving. This ALONE is worth the cost!
Introducing the Serious Cleanse Protocol
If you’d want to be healthy and feel better… regardless of your age… this might be the most important program you’ll ever do.
But first, this isn’t one of those get-healthy/skinny-quick things that promise you everything for doing nothing.
You have to do the steps…
This program is really only for people who are serious about their health and who are willing to invest a little time in themselves.
(It takes 30 minutes each day for 5 days to do the cleansing kit.)
At the end of the day, you are the only person who can make yourself truly healthy, not me, not a book, a seminar speaker, and certainly not the guys in the late-night infomercials.
As I said, if you are serious about your health, this may be the most important program you do…
The Serious Cleanse Protocol is a powerful cleansing program that cleanses your 4 organs of detoxification. The liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and the skin.
Pesticides, BPA, toxins in cleaning and body products, heavy metals (and more) deposit into these organs and systems and might even be causing those pesky symptoms you feel.
This protocol helps cleanse those toxins out. The result? Improved health, mental clarity, and more energy.
It only takes about 30 minutes AND it literally cleanses toxins from your body! Even if you are not feeling noticeable negative results from your toxic burden, as a result of being exposed to toxins, over time the burden on your system will express itself.
Eliminating toxins now is the best way to ensure long-term health and an easier aging process. You can literally reverse the hands of time and feel youthful vitality every day of your life.
Cleanse In 3 Steps
1. Brew and Drink Tulsi Tea
2. Follow along with the Video Tutorial with simple movements to Cleanse the Skin & Move the Lymph.
3. Apply the Body Mask and Let it Work!
Enjoy 30 Minutes of Self-Care!
What You Can Look Forward to
Clients who use the Serious Cleanse Protocol have experienced numerous life-changing benefits, including:
- More energy
- Feeling a sense of being cleaner
- Feeling lighter
- Calm and relaxed, yet alert
- Reduced Pain
- Better night’s sleep
- Improved glandular function (thyroid, adrenals, gonads etc.)
- And so much more!
Success Stories
Serious Cleanse Protocol Results:

Are you ready to get started?
Enough For A 5 Day Cleanse
That’s only about $25 per treatment!
If you came to my spa it would cost $275 each day!
✓ Serious Cleanse Body Mask ($79.99 VALUE)
✓ VIDEO TUTORIAL – Skin & Lymph Cleansing ($147 VALUE)
✓ Tulsi Cleanse Tea ($7 VALUE)
✓ Exfoliation Gloves ($7 VALUE)
✓ BONUS – Complete Instructions Postcard ($47 VALUE)
✓ BONUS – 2 Lessons from the Serious Cleanse 30-Day Challenge
Intro Guide to Toxins AND Lymph Cleansing ($279 VALUE)

Cleanse now!
Serious Cleanse Protocol
$499 $147

Your Protocol Includes:
✓ Tulsi Cleanse Tea
✓ Exfoliation Gloves with VIDEO TUTORIAL!
Easy movements to quickly cleanse your Lymphatic System.

✓ Serious Cleanse Body Mask.
✓ BONUS Protocol Postcard, put on your fridge, or bathroom counter to remind you of the steps & amazing benefits!

✓ BONUS Lessons
from the Serious Cleanse 30-Day Challenge

Why I Created the Serious Cleanse Protocol
I created the Serious Cleanse Protocol to help people just like you!
People who have symptoms and want to feel better.
As an experienced cleansing and rejuvenation specialist, I’ve been practicing Ayurvedic medicine, for 27 years, and running a successful Day Spa on Kauai for 18.
I’ve helped many people on an individual level, cleanse, improve their health AND feel better. I wanted to be able to help more people with this cleanse.
it’s easy to do, anyone can do it!
I feel so strongly that we need to find ways to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the toxins we are exposed to. That’s why I’ve been working diligently on making the Serious Cleanse available to the public
I’ve had this unique opportunity to REFINE and DEVELOP these protocols, treatments, and products over the years in my rejuvenation retreats and at my spa.
I realized that I could help more people by making this cleansing kit and a video tutorial with lessons that people could read to learn about and prevent their toxic exposure.

Why YOU Need to Cleanse
Quantifying some toxins is hard. But one thing we know for sure is that we are all being exposed to tens of thousands of more toxins than humans have ever been exposed to.
We are consuming toxins with each bite, each breath, every drink, cleaning product, shower & body product we use! These toxins enter through the air we breathe, the food and drinks and on our skin.
These toxins then lodge in our brain, liver, kidneys even our bones! It’s not like we get exposed to toxins in the same way we get a bee sting. Toxic exposure is silent and cumulative.
The more combinations of toxins, the worse the effects on us. Sometimes results can take years for effects to show up. And then it’s often too late. Toxins affect us, and we need to take action to protect ourselves!
We can minimize our exposure, and that is super helpful, but we need to cleanse these toxins out of our bodies.
What is Special About the Serious Cleanse Protocol?
The Serious Cleanse Body Mask has BINDERS which attracts toxins to it, so they can be eliminated out of your body.
✓ It is EASY
Anyone can do this. You can do the Serious Cleanse Protocol at home and it begins to work quickly.
✓ The Serious Cleanse Protocol is TRIED, TRUE and UNIQUE!
I’ve had the opportunity to REFINE and DEVELOP my protocols, treatments, and products over 27 years in my rejuvenation retreats and at my spa.
✓ It is cost EFFECTIVE!
If you were to come in to my spa to receive these treatments it would cost hundreds of dollars. It is super cost effective and has HUGE benefits, anyone can do the protocol from the comfort of their home.
✓ It Goes DEEP! It addresses the 4 pathways of detoxification
Each aspect of the Protocol exponentially enhances the effects of the others. And each step works on the four main organs of detoxification the skin, lymph, liver and the kidneys. The Cleanse Tea helps support the first detoxification organs, the liver and kidneys. Then, I teach very specific movements to cleanse the the skin & lymph. And then the Serious Cleanse Body Mask pulls out even more toxins from the whole body!
✓ You can do more if you want to
The Serious Cleanse Protocol is a wonderful standalone detox program; but it also works great with my 7-day Discover Cleansing Program, or 30-day Serious Cleanse Challenge!
Signs You Need to do a Cleanse
- Confusion and Brain Fog
- Lack of energy
- Chronic fatigue
- Immunodeficiency, Inflammatory, or degenerative diseases
- Arthritis Alzheimer’s disease
- Insomnia
- Headache
- Weakness or muscle pain
- Joint pain
- Weight gain
- Resistance to weight loss
- Chemical sensitivity
- Adrenal Fatigue
- Chronic pain
- Thyroid issues
- Low libido
- Constipation, nausea, and other digestive issues
Why You Should Do the Serious Cleanse Protocol.
The Serious Cleanse Protocol helps you eliminate all kinds of toxins, from garden variety toxins to serious chemicals and toxins, heavy metals to agent orange, radiation poisoning and even chemo residue. Each aspect of the Protocol exponentially enhances the effects of the others. And each step works on the four main organs of detoxification the skin, lymph, liver and the kidneys.
Get serious about your health.
Commit to yourself now!
Remember, the actions we take now affect us in the future.
The more you can prevent toxins from getting a foothold, the more likely you will be to promote your longevity and overall quality of life.
By doing the Serious Cleanse Protocol, I have mapped out an easy to follow step, by step cleansing process that will help eliminate toxins which are at the root cause of; fatigue, disease, brain fog, hormone imbalance and more!
You can cleanse those toxins out AND prevent toxins from entering in the first place, and I am excited to show you how!
If you are ready to take your health to the next level click below:
Serious Cleanse Protocol
Serious Cleanse Protocol
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Refund Policy: We do not offer refunds. An enormous amount of care went into developing this program. While the program has been tested on my clients and proven successful, I understand each individual’s detox journey is unique. Articles and information on this website may not be copied, reprinted, or redistributed without written permission. The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Darci Frankel or the respective author of each article. The statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). The products sold on this website and any information published on are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information provided by these websites and/or Darci Frankel is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Darci Frankel. We encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. sells various dietary supplements, programs and health products. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. See our Terms of Service, privacy policy and disclaimer.