Discover Cleansing
“This is the perfect first cleanse.”
Introducing the 7 Day Cleanse
If you’d like to be healthier and feel better… regardless of your age… this might be the most important program you’ll ever do.
But first, to clarify…
This isn’t one of those get-healthy/skinny-quick things that promises you everything.
Honestly, I don’t know exactly HOW the benefits will show up for you. Because being exposed to toxins is INVISIBLE, it is not like stubbing your toe or a bee sting.
But when we remove toxins and cleanse them, people always feel better!
For example:
Recently, my dear friend Lani was slowly poisoning herself with toxic sunscreen.
Applying 2-3 tablespoons each day for 2 weeks. She started having EXTREME symptoms, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, sudden weight gain, etc.
Her doctor did not even know what was going on.
It was only by coincidence that I asked her to review “How Sunscreen Makes You Sick, Fat And Tired.”
(She has a degree in nuclear medicine.)
Lani realized what was going on, did my cleanse and had a COMPLETE health turnaround!
Lani’s is just one of many examples of people who when they discover and eliminate what is causing their symptoms, they can feel better.
Learning about toxins is the first step, then we need to cleanse them from our bodies.
That’s what we do in Serious Cleanse.
Here’s the truth.
This program is really only for people who are serious about their health and who will are willing to make some changes, such as eliminate toxic sunscreen as Lani did.
At the end of the day, YOU are the only person who can make yourself truly healthy, not me, not a book, not some seminar speaker, and certainly not the guys in the late-night infomercials.
Get serious about your health and do my 30-day challenge.
Eliminating toxins now is the best way to ensure long-term health and an easier aging process. You can literally reverse the hands of time and feel youthful vitality every day of your life and Serious Cleanse will help you!
Why YOU Need to Cleanse
Quantifying some toxins is hard. But one thing we know for sure is that we are all being exposed to tens of thousands of more toxins than humans have ever been exposed to.
We are consuming toxins with each bite, each breath, every drink, cleaning product, shower & body product we use! These toxins enter through the air we breathe, the food and drinks and on our skin.
These toxins then lodge in our brain, liver, kidneys, fat, and even our bones! It’s not like we get exposed to toxins in the same way we get a bee sting. Toxic exposure is silent and cumulative.
The more combinations of toxins, the worse the effects on us. Sometimes results can take years for effects to show up. And then it’s often too late. Toxins affect us, and we need to take action to protect ourselves!
We can minimize our exposure, and that is super helpful, but we need to cleanse these toxins out of our bodies.
The 4 Goals of the Serious Cleanse Are:
Learn about toxins
Cleanse those toxins out of your body
Track your progress
Prevent toxins from entering your body in the first place!

Included in your Program:
You get a lesson each day, sometimes more. Each lesson is geared toward the 4 goals of the serious cleanse, learning about toxins, cleansing them, tracking your progress and preventing toxins from entering your body in the first place.
✓ The Guide to Toxins
✓ Sugar & Gluten Cleanse
✓ Introduction to toxins
✓ Complete instructions for 3 Detox Baths
✓ How to listen to your body to improve cleansing benefits
✓ Food toxins, the easiest to create, DETECT AND ELIMINATE and I SHOW YOU HOW!
✓ Shopping Guide, to choose foods that are free of toxins.
✓ 22 healthy clean, organic recipes!
✓ A guided meditation practice each day.
✓ And more!
Valued at $479
Introductory cost $49!

7 Days of Lessons!
✓ Each day, you get a new LESSON, and or a cleanse!
✓ Daily guided meditations
✓ In just 30 to 90 minutes, you will speed up your results and have amazing progress toward eliminating toxins.
✓ The format takes you through learning about the types of toxins, cleansing and preventing them from your body, your home, your whole life! You’ll get E-books, guides and checklists!
Here’s a peek at some of the lessons to help you cleanse, detox and feel amazing!

Pre-Detox and Getting Started Guide
This lesson helps you to prepare your body, mind, even emotionally in the best possible way, to have the most drama-free cleanse.
✓ We first optimize the diet and lifestyle to reduce your toxic load.
✓ Your first barometer, “How do you know if you are drinking enough water?”
✓ Which oils are healthy, and which are not
✓ I provide inexpensive curated supplement suggestions so you can enjoy the most dram-free cleanse possible.
✓Pre- Detox kitchen suggestions and more!
Valued at $47 – it’s INCLUDED

Serious Cleanse Food Guide
This is a complete 7 day food plan and more! Ever try to get healthy but wonder, what do I eat?
This guide is your answer!
✓ 22 healthy, clean, QUICK, 100% DELICIOUS, organic recipes
✓ Easy to make and delicious.
✓ Shopping tips
✓ Includes my Paleo Banana bread recipe
✓Easy to follow 7- day meal plan
Valued at $97 – it’s INCLUDED

The Cleanse: Sugar & Gluten Detox
✓ I (slowly and gently) walk you through how to easily eliminate sugar and gluten
✓ Learn all about the harmful effects of sugar (sorry, not sorry)
✓ Learn how to spot hidden sugar & gluten
✓ Discover healthy alternatives
✓ I help you to re-mineralize after years of being depleted by sugar
✓ Common Symptoms of Sugar Detox
✓ Recommendations for supplements to eliminate symptoms
This 15-page guide is valued at $149 – it’s INCLUDED.

INCLUDED: Daily Meditation and Breathing Practices
Follow-Along Video and Audio Tutorials that help you cleanse, heal and stay focused.
- Calm and cleanse your body and mind with unique, varied practices.
- No equipment needed!
- There is direction and helpful tips throughout.
- Get motivation and encouragement from the support of your guide while you’re doing brief meditation practice videos!
Valued at $79 – it’s INCLUDED
What You Can Look Forward to
People who do the Serious Cleanse Discover Cleansing Program Report numerous life-changing benefits, including:
- More energy
- Feeling a sense of being cleaner
- Feeling lighter
- Calm and relaxed, yet alert
- Reduced Pain
- Better night’s sleep
- Feeling more free and open in their body
- A deeper sense of being connected to themselves
- And so much more!